Title: Glory in the Mountains as the Sound of Many Waters
Author: Fred B. Lunsford
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction, Biographies & Memoirs
Price: $0.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 181
ISBN Number: 978-0-9815662-1-4
Publication Date: May 2009
Email: sharonkep@verizon.net |
About this Book: |
Enjoy reading true stories of life in the Appalachain Mountains. This book is about the journey of Fred Lunsford who has ministered to people all across the United States but mainly in the mountains of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. You'll find it easy to read and very inspirational and enjoyable.
About the Author: |
Fred Lunsford has been a minister for over sixty years. He has pastored several churches and preached all across the United States. His life has touched more people than can be numbered. He has ministered to both small and large congregations.
Book Review: |
The book contains real-life situations and Fred shares about his life when he was growing up, his call to the ministry, his journey after the call to the ministry, and his retirement years. He shares stories of is childhood and adulthood that readers will find very inspirational and entertaining.
Order/Contact Info: |
Sharon Kephart, 383-837-6530, Cell 828-361-2933
Fred Lunsford 828-837-2605