Title: Dear Mother from Your Dutiful Son
Author: Ernest Barker
Category: History, Nonfiction, Biographies & Memoirs
Price: $15.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 397
ISBN Number: 1-59196-193-9
Publication Date: Feb. 2003
Website: http://erniebarker.homestead.com/book.html
Email: ebbarker@optonline.net |
About this Book: |
Oct. 20th 1864, Dear Mother,
...I have a serious wound but my surgeon tells me it is not fatal nor will I lose my leg if it does well...
So writes Fred Lucas to his mother while serving with the 2nd CT Vol. Heavy Artillery. He would serve until mustered out in Aug. 65, writing over 180 letters telling of the good and bad experiences in his effort to save the Union.
About the Author: |
After purchasing the Fred Lucas estate and finding letters, Ernie became involved in the Lucas history. After retiring from teaching, he wrote and published his first book, Fred and Jennie. This led to his growing interest in the Civil War, both writing and traveling. He also works as an artist on wood sculpture and paintings.
Book Review: |
Dear Mother is a wonderful collection of historical letters telling of daily life, the trials of marching and the fightings at Cold Harbor, the Shenandoah Valley and Petersburg. As a former teacher, Fred wrote descriptively penning verbal pictures of people, places, and events of his time with the 2nd CT Heavy Artillery
Order/Contact Info: |
Ernest Barker
13 Bartholomew Hill Rd.
Goshen, CT 06756