Title: Long Island Expressions: LI Writers for Autism Awareness
Author: Edited by Teri Schwartz
Category: Poetry, Biographies & Memoirs, Literature & Fiction
Price: $15.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 84
ISBN Number: 1-591969190
Publication Date: Feb, 2005
Website: www.liexpressions.com
Email: liexpressions@optonline.net |
About this Book: |
Thirty Six Long Island writers donated their poetry & short stories for this book to raise awareness for Autism. Contributors include award winning Long Island Poets, Yonlanda Coulaz, Patti Tanna, JR Turek, Mankh, Paula Camacho, Maria Manobianco.
About the Author: |
Teri Schwartz is a the mother of a High-Function Autistic Child and a passionate creative writer. She is amember of the L.I. Writers' Guild Inc. and the editor of JUST WRITE by the Farmingdale Creative Writing Group.
Book Review: |
Teri has compiled not only some poingnant piece of poetry about Autism but has added a colorful spectrum of works encompassing everything from Long Islanders' view of their commute, the unique places on the Island, the events and the heart of the matter, family life.
Order/Contact Info: |
Contact LI Expressions at liexpressions@optonline.net or mail payment to P.O. Box 173, Jericho, NY 11753