Title: EXPLOITS, Jesus Rides In An Ambulance
Author: Dwayne Clemmons
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Reference, Education & Language
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 104
ISBN Number: 1-59196-860-7
Publication Date: Dec, 2004
Website: www.rudmc.org
Email: dmclemmons@earthlink.net |
About this Book: |
Do you believe Jesus wants to use you to manifest His presence on this earth? Do you think he can use someone like you to do great and mighty things for the Kingdom of God? Do you really think it’s all about you?
God is no respector of persons. He desires to and will use anyone who submits themselves. Come, ride along, and experience the grace, the mercy, and the power of Almighty God has he does great exploits in an ambulance!
About the Author: |
Dwayne Clemmons is a professional medic who has been in emergency services for over thirty years. Three and one-half years ago, however, he had a Damascus Road experience of epic proportions and has never been the same since. God has anointed and appointed him with a prophetic anointing, a passion for the lost, and has empowered him to minister to the sick and hurting while riding in the back of an ambulance. Dwayne is a man who loves God with all that he is and desires to make Him happy every day.
Book Review: |
This book graphically depicts the unconditional love God has for His children. A captivating look into ministry in the end times that breaks the mold of tradition and enables God to reach His people right where they are.
Order/Contact Info: |
Dwayne Clemmons
DMC Ministries
P.O. Box 127
Bumpass, VA 23024