Title: No Secrets to Success - "Love, Sex & Marriage"
Author: Dr. Michael V. Wilkins, Sr.
Category: Education & Language, Entertainment, Love & Relationships
Price: $7.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 90
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: July 2003
Website: www.4naasa.org
Email: Wilkins@4naasa.org |
About this Book: |
Finally, a no hands barred book about love, sex, dating and marriage. Based upon the No Secret To Success series, developed by Dr. Wilkins, this is a realistic look at the myths of dating, women Vs.men and other practical principles for dating and maintaining personal relationships in 2004 and beyond!
About the Author: |
Dr. Wilkins, is a well known author, speaker and founder & CEO of NAASA, Inc., and YS, two non profit speaking associations. he has written, produced and directed several stage plays and recently completed his latest gospel Cd entilted "The CBC Project".
Book Review: |
Finally, a no hands barred book about love, sex, dating and marriage. Based upon the No Secret To Success series, developed by Dr. Wilkins, this is a realistic look at the myths of dating, women Vs.men and other practical principles for dating and maintaining personal relationships in 2004 and beyond!
Order/Contact Info: |
C/O Dr. Mike Wilkins
P. O. box 22
Park Forest, IL. 60466
(708) 747-2219