Title: The Responsible Parents' Education Manual: All other Need Not Buy
Author: Dr. Joyce Humber-Faison
Category: Education & Language, Reference, Nonfiction
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 52
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: July, 2004
Website: www. ace-exams.com
Email: info4ace@aol.com |
About this Book: |
This Manual provides insightful advice to parents of school age children. The information combines biological development with educational development and helps the parents to understand the odysessy that each child takes from birth to college. It is must reading for parents who care about the educational progress of their children and who want to understand the educational process and how it impacts the lives of their children.
About the Author: |
Dr. Joyce Humber-Faison holds a Doctorate and a Master of Arts in Education Degree from Teachers College, Columbia University; a Master of Science in Education and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the City College of New York City; and a Master of Arts in Business Management from Regent University. She has taught in public schools, educational institutions, and colleges. She has supervised institutions for the State of New York, has held the position of Asst. Commissioner of Special Programs for the City of New York and the position of Vice President of Academic Affairs for a local college where she was also chairperson and a tenured, full professor.
Book Review: |
As the abstract notes, a must read for every responsible parent who wants their children to be sucessful in their educational pursuits.
Order/Contact Info: |
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