Title: The Seven Secrets to Health and Fitness
Author: Dr. John L. Porter
Category: Diet & Health, Self-Improvement, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $27.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 107
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-04687-7
Publication Date: March 2010
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About this Book: |
Life principles coupled with common sense and simple techniques of remaining healthy and fit are provided. Principles address the body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are young or old, currently fit, or infirm, following these principles can improve your outlook, and your life. "Tricks" for avoiding back and neck problems, headaches, and simply feeling better are given in the sections on "Specific Care of the Body". Exercises you can do in bed are given in the section on exercises!
About the Author: |
Dr. Porter is a D. Sc.(Doctor of Science) - as he says, "A real doctor, not a medical 'practioner '(i.e.not an M.D.)". He has used the techniques he espouses for over 40 years, and believes in them. He has three children, but is currently unmarried. He lives in Missouri, Texas, Florida, Australia, Costa Rica, and "anyplace else that takes his fancy at the time".
Book Review: |
The Seven Secrets to Health and Fitness is an easy read, with a world of useful information. Maybe it really should be called the Seven Secrets to the Fountain of Youth, if the author is to be believed about his "real age"! The "secrets" have been validated many times over, by numerous studies, but never before have they been put together in one place so succincty.Recommended reading, even if you are confined to bed.
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