Title: Bargaining Essentials
Author: Doc Dengenis
Category: Self-Improvement, Professional & Technical, Education & Language
Price: $17.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 142
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-01716-7
Publication Date: June,2009
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About this Book: |
If you want to achieve big-time wins using new strategies and skills in your next bargain with a well prepared,highly effective, conflict-free team, this book is a must for your reference library.
Bargaining Essentials is a must read for bargainers of any experience level motivated to improve skill sets. The book details a variety of skills, strategies,tactics, and concepts essential to successfully move from survey to settlement. The decision-making model and bargaining blueprint are worth the price of the book.This "when and how" reference manual, the result of 31 years of successful bargaining, training, and organizing experiences, will provide new ideas, knowledge, and skill levels to deal with obstacles at the table and result in significantly improved settlements.
About the Author: |
Doc Dengenis has successfully bargained 300+ contracts for K-16 teaching and classified public school employees in Washington State, Michigan, California, and Oregon in large urbans, suburbans, rural, and remote bargaining units using a variety of bargaining styles.
As head of the bargaining program for the 450 local associations in the 75,000 member Washington Education Association for 12 years, Dengenis wrote the bargaining prototype books, contract analysis, and bargaining surveys for all constituent groups. He was responsible for all aspects and phases of bargaining, especially training, strategy advice, and drafting complex language proposals.
Doc earned his reputation as a master bargainer and closer of considerable expertise in Washington State. His area of expertise was resolving long, seriously deadlocked contract disputes with creative solutions.
Book Review: |
Bargaining Essentials is a great training, resource, and reference manual.
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