About this Book: |
Ever hear someone say something that doesn't sound quite right, but you don't know why it's wrong?
Ever been lured into a store to look at a new product . . . only to be disappointed?
Ever wonder if all those politicians are really saying anything at all?
Now learn what it is that they're really saying.
This book gives the basics of informal logic, concentrating on the fallacies, with some theory for advanced thinkers.
About the Author: |
Doctor, Lawyer and Indian Chief.
Former stock boy, blueprint maker, locomotive fireman, soldier, brakeman, biochemistry instructor, cab driver, physician, hospital lab director, lawyer, house builder, judge, retiree, philosopher, author in that order... former Mensa member, ordained minister, and great-grandson of an Indian chief.
Book Review: |
"This book will be especially helpful to teachers of Philosophy, English, and Speech who present units on reasoning and the structuring of ideas. The student will find it a handy manual for learning logic. I truly believe this logic text to be a valuable educational resource."
—Ken Erickson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Speech/Communication