Title: The Common Sense ABC's Of Success
Author: Dianne M. Smith
Category: Education & Language, Reference, Nonfiction
Price: $9.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 74
ISBN Number: 1-59196-531-4
Publication Date: April, 2004
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About this Book: |
The Common Sense ABC's Of Success is a positive motivation reference guide for students to succeed, and for parents and teachers, who give guidance. The book incorporates the alphabet A-Z, using three thought provoking words for each letter. The seventy-eight words promote positive, inspirational values for a successful life. The book is insightful and interesting. The three word concepts are guide words for students, and includes sentences to illustrate the use of each word in home and school situations.
About the Author: |
I have 15 years experience as a teacher of the Emotionally and Behaviorally Disordered (EBD), K-8 children, in Wisconsin and Minnesota. I have developed, written, and successfully taught positive motivation, social skills, and behavior management strategies in my classroom. I am in the process of devloping and writing a series of social skills, problem-solving children's stories, and classroom strategies that I have developed over the years. I would like to share the knowledge I have learned over time, with children, their parents, and teachers .
Book Review: |
The Common Sense ABC's Of Success is a positive motivation reference guide for students to succeed, and for parents and teachers, who give guidance. The book incorporates the alphabet A-Z, using three thought provoking words for each letter. The seventy-eight words promote positive, inspirational values for a successful life. The book is insightful and interesting. The three word concepts are guide words for students, and includes sentences to illustrate the use of each word in home and school situations.
Order/Contact Info: |
Dianne M. Smith
DMS Enterprises
420 Woodland Dr.
Strum, WI 54770
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