Title: God's Power to Multiply for Wealth
Author: Diane Buker & Sharon Gonzales
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Business & Economics
Price: $11.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 129
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-00065-7
Publication Date: Dec. 2008
Website: www.battleaxe.org
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About this Book: |
LOOK inside to find out more about how . . .
• Prosperity comes when God intervenes on our behalf to thrust us forward.
• Kingdom wealth is based upon God’s agenda, His plan to extend the good news of His kingdom. He gives us the ability and the means to possess His kingdom wealth for the sole purpose of establishing His covenant promises.
• We see that the blessings of our God bestow riches to us, cause things to grow, and make possible the accumulation of wealth. He leads His people to profit, to be useful and gainful, setting us ahead of the rest.
• The intentions and plans of the one whose determined, incisive pursuit of God’s ways will surely lead to profit and gain.
About the Author: |
• Diane Buker is president and founder of Battle Axe Brigade Ministries International and The Sons of Issachar Training Center. Diane is aligned with Dr. Charles [Chuck] Pierce of Glory of Zion International and travels on the Eagles of God teams. She is a member of the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) under the leadership of Dr. C. Peter Wagner. Diane has traveled and ministered in 100 nations as well as extensively in the United States.
• Sharon Gonzales is president and co-founder with her husband, Jack , of Jehovah Shammah Now, a ministry of city transformation. She is also co-founder of Marketplace ALIVE!, a ministry that empowers people to embrace their strategic placement in the workforce and to impact their business, community and culture with passion for God. Sharon’s first book "Justice Wrapped in Mercy" has brought phenomenal revelation and passion to the Body of Christ concerning the Father’s heart towards merciful justice.
Book Review: |
“I believe Diane Buker and Sharon Gonzales have written God’s Power to Multiply for Wealth at this perfect time in history. In this time of chaotic change and rearranged supply lines, this book about multiplication is perfect. This is a kairos or strategic time for the Body of Christ to enter and harvest the fields throughout the world. Diane and Sharon help us understand the concept of wealth and power.”
Chuck D. Pierce—President, Global Spheres Inc.; President, Glory of Zion International; Harvest Watchman, Global Harvest
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