Title: Teenage Mother's Guide To Survival, Rising Above The Odds
Author: Deborah Elaine Gary
Category: Nonfiction, Self-Improvement, Diet & Health
Price: $10.95
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 122
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: June 2009
Website: www.writingitright.com
Email: Dwriter130@aol.com |
About this Book: |
Teenage Mother's Guide To Survival, Rising Above The Odds is an inspirational book for teenage mothers. The purpose of the book is to encourage young mothers to reach their full potential dispite their situation and because of their situation. Teenage mothers will be inspired to attain to goals and fullfill their dreams and become positive role models for their children. The writer tells of her personal journey as a teenage mother and shares her belief that all children have a purpose and the teenage mother can and should be a productive member in society.
About the Author: |
Deborah Elaine Gary is an author, a a poetess, free lane journalist, and a former editorial columnist. Ms. Gary interviewed celebrities for over 20 years, published poetry, and wrote a weekly column regarding issues of local, national, and internation concern.
Book Review: |
Well written, inspirational book for teenage mothers. Teenage Mother's Guide To Survival, Rising Above The Odds, is also a useful tool in preventing teenage pregnancy. The author has written the book in a way that speaks to teenage in an honest, straightforward, no holds barred manner that appeals to the mindset of teenagers. The book is recommended reading for all young teenage girls!
Order/Contact Info: |
Book can be ordered @www.writingitright.com or @Writing It Right, P.O. 32225, Columbus, Ohio 43232 Please add $2.50 for shipping.