Title: The Three Stones of Chanhassen
Author: Deb Fiskewold and Tayler Johnson
Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Children, Nonfiction
Price: $7.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 118
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: 08/28/2007
About this Book: |
This is a love story about a young Elfairy, Tay Tay and a handsome young knight of Chanhassen Nica. They must find the third stone and reach Chanhassen before the fall equinox. Their journey will be long and full of dangers, but they have the help of Nanna, Poopah, Tye and Branda. They will travel from the North Woods to Maple Woods, Swede Hollow, Pigs Eyes and the Great River before finally reaching Chanhassen. Along the way they meet many interesting characters giving them the answers that they need.
About the Author: |
Deb Fiskewold was born on the Iron Range in Minnesota and moved to the Twin Cities as a child. She now lives in Maplewood, MN with her husband and four siberian huskies. This book was written with her granddaughter Tayler Johnson, who along with her brother Tye and her extensive clan inspired this book.
Book Review: |
Tay Tay and Nica must find the third stone before the fall equinox to save the Realm. Tay Tay, Nanna and Pooph start their journey in the North Woods and travel on to Maple Woods and Swede Hollow where they encounter Nica, the young knight from Chanhassen. They eventually meet up with Tye and Branda and continue on to Chanhassen. Their journey is filled with interesting characters and many perils. Do Tay Tay and Nica find the third stone and will the realm be saved? It is all told in The Three Stones of Chanhassen.
Order/Contact Info: |
Deb Fiskewold-Smith
E-Mail debfiske@comcast.net