Title: Single Dad...Not Singled Out
Author: David Asbery
Category: Reference, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction
Price: $15.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 99
ISBN Number: 1-59872-549-1
Publication Date: Oct 2006
Website: www.davidasbery@aol.com
Email: omasbery@aol.com |
About this Book: |
David Asbery presents a practical guide that takes you through the interior workings of the family court system.
For men who are in the midst of a divorce or separation, Single Dad...Not Singled Out! not only delivers the forcast of what is to come, this book gives you the necessary tools and the mental fortitude to deal with the complexities within the family court system.
About the Author: |
David Asbery has been writing for eight years. He made his literary debut in 1999, with “Bootleg” a critically acclaimed “best seller” by Essence Magazine. He co-authored the book with Damon Wayans and it was published by Harper Collins. In 2001, he co-authored and self published the comedy book called “What I Shouldn’t Say” with comedian and actor Seymour Swan.
David has performed as a stand up comedian at the New York Comedy Club in New York City and was a regular guest host on WYNE-FM’s the “Barry Mason Show.” David is now working on a new book; this one is a gritty urban tale about growing up in the projects called “The Robert Fulton Project” David Asbery is the proud father of two boys and resides with his wife Tanisha in Hamden, CT.
Book Review: |
"David Asbery uses a lead by example approach to inform men of the realities of being a Single Father." NFL Tackle, Ed Ellis
"At last - someone wrote a book for Dads that want to be Dads." Actor\Comedian, Seymour Swan
Order/Contact Info: |
David Asbery