Title: Chicken Chronicles, The
Author: Curt M. Allen-Little
Category: Entertainment, Mystery & Thrillers, Literature & Fiction
Price: $5.34
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 59
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: MAR 2005
Website: http://www.uncw.edu/kenan
Email: littlec@uncw.edu |
About this Book: |
In the tradition of American Noir literature, we chronicle the events surrounding the mysterious disappearance of the University's mascot. Replete with booze, broads, salty earlobes, and our hero.
About the Author: |
Curt M. Allen-Little, in real life, is Director of the Graduate Liberal Studies Dance Programs at UNCWilmington. In fantasy life, however, he is a crime writer in league with Mickey Spillane, Dashiell Hammett, James Cain and Patricia Highsmith. But that's fantasy. Take one of his dance classes. Not one of his writing classes.
Book Review: |
A teasingly subtle, erotically surcharged, and provacatively post-modern romance. The Chicken Chronicles parodies, if only on the surface, the grand, if unnerving and unsettling tradition of classic American Noir fiction. It does have a gratuitously self-serving bent toward theoretical obfuscation.
Order/Contact Info: |
Curt M. Allen-Little, Operations Manager
The Kenan Auditorium, UNC Wilmington
601 South College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403-5966 e-mail littlec@uncw.edu