Title: B! Made Whole
Author: Cheri Thompson
Category: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spiritual, Biographies & Memoirs
Price: $9.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 85
ISBN Number: 978-0-615-18486-9
Publication Date: Jan, 2008
Website: http://www.bmadewhole.com
Email: bmadewhole@bmadewhole.org |
About this Book: |
Whether you’ve been abused, battered, disrespected or rejected, B! Made Whole is for anyone in pursuit of Wholeness. Journey with the author as she candidly shares her trials, tragedies and triumphs.
Yes, everyone has a story but rarely does one share the wrongs they’ve imposed on others. Whether you’re the abused or the abuser, you come away assured that there is Help for your Hurt.
About the Author: |
Cheri Thompson is an author, entrepreneur and motivation speaker who launched a non-profit organization, B! Made Whole, to empower men and women by coaching and mentoring them through the challenges of life. She's also the proud mother of one and CEO of eTrainers.org
Book Review: |
I’m in awe of your openness, honesty and the sharing of your own personal pains and triumphs in the restoration of people seeking wholeness. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to bare your soul the way you did and I have no doubt that God is smiling on you for your sacrifice.
Paul Hailey, Seek Ye First Inc.
Order/Contact Info: |
For more information write:
B! Made Whole
2625 N. Mulford Road
Suite 106
Rockford, IL 61114
Phone: 815-315-1677
Email: bmadewhole@bmadewhole.org
Visit us on the web: http://bmadewhole.com