Title: Leadership Under Fire!
Author: Brigadier General Nick Halley (U.S. Army, Retired)
Category: Professional & Technical, Nonfiction, Reference
Price: $16.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 155
ISBN Number: 1-59196-779-1
Publication Date: Nov 2004
Website: www.generalnickspeaks.com
Email: nickhalley@msn.com |
About this Book: |
This book is unique! General Nick Halley speaks from high-level leadership experience in the military, government and corporate worlds. His leadership principles are well illustrated with entertaining and inspiring real-world stories. This book teaches, motivates, and inspires leaders at all levels to TAKE ACTION NOW to be better leaders and followers in their organizations.
About the Author: |
Brigadier General Nick Halley (U.S. Army Retired) has commanded our soldiers in three conflicts, Vietnam, Grenada and Desert Storm. He is an Army paratrooper, ranger and special operations veteran. General Halley is a graduate of West Point and the Army War College. He is a TV analysist for WGN-TV in Chicago and the Fox News Network. He has been a Director, VP, & GM in several international electronics firms to include Motorola.
Book Review: |
A thought provoking book that is a must read for all leaders.General Nick Halley has developed a primer that address the leadership principles from his many years as an exceptionally effective leader in both the military and corporate worlds. This is much more than a "how to" book. It focuses on real-world situations and educates and enlightens the reader with its candid and balanced presentation.
Order/Contact Info: |
Directly from General Halley at:
www.generalnickspeaks.com or nickhalley@msn.com or from Amazon.com