Title: Historic Scenes by Mildred Pelzer 1934
Author: Bob Hibbs
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, Arts & Photography, History
Price: $20.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 88
ISBN Number: 978-0-615-30585-1
Publication Date: Oct, 2009
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About this Book: |
This story deals with the pampered life of a noted Iowa City artist who searched for the beauty in nature around her and found the ugly realities of tragedy in her own life, including the deaths of her only two children to World War II. She experienced two successful marriages, but died alone in Florida during 1985 at age 95, her loneliness masked by dementia perhaps rooted in her lifelong use of lead based paints.
Among the works of this Grant Wood associate and publicist were eight large murals painted during 1934 for Hotel Jefferson in Iowa City, which became something of a tourist attraction. To tolerate painting in a stifling hot hotel room during a time before air conditioning, she draped a Turkish towel soaked in iced water over her head and neck while her sons were dept by their history professor father.
About the Author: |
This third book of Iowa City history is Bob's first effort at biography. He currently is preparing another book which features postcard images of antique Iowa City to be published during 2010. Bob is at Several of his more than 350 published articles dealing with historic Iowa City and its people are available at
A native Iowan, Bob married his high school sweetheart and now 47 years later he and Margaret have two adult sons and three grandsons. They have been active members of the Iowa City community throughout their adult lives. Bob earned a writing degree at the University of Iowa, worked at the local newspaper a few years, then undertook consulting and eventually local property management. His retirement hobby of Iowa City history has taken him full circle to his original fascination with writing in a community that carries the UNESCO designation as a "City of Literature," one of just three in the world.
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To arrange purchase of just one copy or a thousand, please contact Kinchouse Publishing at 606 Reno Street, Iowa City, IA, 52245, or email the author at
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