Title: SAVE MONEY! How To Save What You Earn & Earn on What You Save
Author: Bob Brumm
Category: Self-Improvement, Education & Language, Business & Economics
Price: $15.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 117
ISBN Number: 1-59872-317-0
Publication Date: December 2006
Website: www.bobbrumm.com
Email: bob@bobbrumm.com |
About this Book: |
Today’s society is always “on the go” running from place to place, full speed ahead, trying to keep up with the Jones, whoever they are. Our society is so fast paced with instant messaging, fast food, and instant potatoes etc. People spend their money as fast as they make the money and wonder, were did the money go? Why can’t we slow down and find out where the money has gone? With this publication I want to escalate your knowledge of ways in which YOU CAN save the money you earn. I’d like to encourage you to get that money to grow and work harder for you over time, and to show you how to give back with what you have learned. The ideas in this book allow you to save money on various items and expenditures. If you can keep more of what comes in, you can build a better future for yourself and for others. This book will show you opportunities to grow and help others grow. If you have gained knowledge, the benefit of that knowledge is sharing it with others and watching them grow.
About the Author: |
As a man of God, husband and a father of three boys, Bob knows what it takes to keep up at warp speed with the trials and tribulations of today’s society. Today’s society tends to keep people busier than ever. Causing people to spend their money at warp speed without taking time for saving or learning to make their money grow and work for them. Bob understands the value of a dollar, sharing money saving strategies, and the effects of long term savings plans to individuals and corporations. Experiencing this first hand, he brings a positive, energetic perspective to enlighten others.
Book Review: |
“What an eye opener! There is so much useful information on each and every page. He definitely knows how to make this work. Some of Bob's ideas can save you money daily (which adds up significantly), while others can save hundreds of dollars in a single purchase. Take the time to read this from cover to cover - you'll be glad you did....I certainly am”.
Nancy Jo Cornwell, Realtor
Order/Contact Info: |
Ordering Information:
The Positive Perspective Inc.
Email: bob@bobbrumm.com
Websites: www.thepositiveperspective.com