Title: God's Little Handbook for Humans, Learning to Master the Emotional-Self
Author: Bob Bloom
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Education & Language, Nonfiction
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 71
ISBN Number: 1-59196-369-9
Publication Date: Nov, 2003
Website: www.godslittlehandbook.com
Email: Bloom@thewebmark.com |
About this Book: |
This book is for those who have made the decision to grow spiritually. If that includes you, no doubt you’ve experienced your share of emotional tension. The purpose of this book is to assist you to harness that energy and put it to use for your own highest good.
About the Author: |
Bob Bloom is a gifted emotional intuitive with an uncanny knack for quickly getting to the heart of the matter. His wisdom flows from having dealt with his own severe emotional challenges; challenges which began early in life and lasted through his mid-thirties. He now shares the insights that helped him turn his life around in workshops and spaking engagements across the country.
Book Review: |
Reviewer: Sherry Riddle, RN Culver City, CA
I picked up the book early in the evening and didn't set it down until I'd finished. It's a classic. Simple, direct, and illuminating. I ordered 20 copies to gve to friends.
Order/Contact Info: |
Bob Bloom
248 E Brentrup Dr, Tempe, AZ 85283