About this Book: |
My prayer is that you will see & feel Proverbs 3:5-6 come alive & speak to your heart as you take a walk with me, inside my testimony. I hope you enjoy the journey as I reflect back on falling in love at age 14 & becoming inseparable from my future husband at the age of 18 after he had life threatening brain surgery. We appeared on Good Morning America in New York a week before the terrorists attacked when my husband was named the Dickies 2001 American Worker of the Year. In 2007 we built our 4,700 square foot dream home on property which wasn't for sale that was impossible to buy from 32 unidentified heirs. The land had been vacant for almost 20 years because no one could buy the entangled heirship property, but the LORD made a way for us & cleared the path. I have come to realize this was all part of GOD's MASTER PLAN for my life which includes being married since 1986 to the absolute love of my life & being blessed with 2 precious boys who live inside this testimony with me.
About the Author: |
I am simply a person the LORD has chosen to write a book, giving my testimony of GOD’s love and abundant blessings. I am the most improbable author of a book, but at the same time, the most willing to write one after it became apparent to me that it was all part of GOD’s plan for me. I know there is an audience for this book because someone needs to hear my testimony. The LORD has already paved the way for everyone to read it that needs to, although the methods HE will use to do this are currently unbeknownst to me. I will live by Proverbs 3:5-6 and just trust in the LORD. I know HE will make a way, and this book will reach its intended audience because that is the path GOD has already planned. I will just walk in it.
Book Review: |
When I asked Mrs. Joann Reed, the artist who painted the outstretched hands of Jesus entitled “Come Unto Me” on the front cover, she very graciously gave me permission. She said in a letter “Reading your testimony was such a blessing. Your manner of talking and writing is the most comfortable and transparently expressive I’ve ever encountered – revealing a soul that not only acknowledges Him in submissive wonderment, but loves Him totally (and what is His). These responses to Him fulfill, as Jesus said, the first two commandments that encompass all God’s law and all His revealed word, and become so contagious in the way you express yourself, as to surely influence many to come to know Him, love Him, and trust Him, so that they may eventually begin to live their lives in complete togetherness with Him, as He prayed for to His Father (John 17:20-23.) … I pray for God’s deepest blessings upon all those who are touched by the works that He has given you to do."