Title: Train Up A Child
Author: Bethany Mehr
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Education & Language, Children
Price: $0.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 159
ISBN Number: 0-8352-2051-6
Publication Date: Aug, 2004
Email: mhrbthny888@aol.com |
About this Book: |
Train up a child presents ten parenting training steps based on scripture, for parents to incorporate in the lives of their children. It demonstrates how we can enable our children to achieve their dreams, by using their God given potential, and becoming all he intended them to be.
About the Author: |
Bethany Mehr earned degrees and certification in elementary education, and special education. She taught in the regular classroom, and as a Teacher Consultant for the Learning Disabled, Mentally and Emotionally Handicapped, and the ADHD child. She hosted "Shared Moments," on Christian cable.
Book Review: |
Train up a child is an informative book, that not only gives us insight into God's plan for our children, but discusses how they learn. Various educational modalities are discussed, and how they can be utilized, insuring that children reach their full potential, and enjoy all that God has planned for their lives.
Order/Contact Info: |
Triple 8 Publications
5089 Northfield Dr.
Howell, Mi 48843