About the Author: |
Barbara Dittrich is a nationally published author and speaker with a special heart for the disabled and their families. Wife to her beloved Steve for 16 years, she is the mother of three children all under the age of 12. With one child whom has special needs, Barbara faces life's challenges with humor and compassion. Foundress of SNAPPIN' MINISTRIES Special Needs Parents Network ©, she energetically shares with others what God has hidden in her heart as she walks in devotion and obedience to Him.
Throughout her career, Barbara has served on numerous boards & committees. After 13 years in the investment industry,she opted for full-time motherhood and ministry in 2000. Barbara continues to be actively involved in the bleeding disorders community, leading both state and federal legislative advocacy. Her connections throughout the wider disability community make her a valuable asset to parents struggling with the challenges of daily living.