Title: COURTNEE - Farm Girl Series #1
Author: B.Kjellberg
Category: Children, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $7.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 86
ISBN Number: 978-0-912868-06-6
Publication Date: 2005
Website: www.kjellpub.com
Email: w.s.c@sbcglobal.net |
About this Book: |
The year is 1952 and Courtnee is a 10-year-old farm girl, plain and simple! Her family are Amish/Mennonite and they use some modern conveniences, and Courtnee is taught to live as a Christian. While her way of life and dress appear unusual to her "Englisch" neighbors, they cannot help being impressed by how happy and satisfied she is.
About the Author: |
The author resides in Wheaton, Illinois with his wife and is surrounded by his 3 grown children and 10 grandchildren. He has produced serveral books on history as well as many Christian writings. The Farm Girl Series is his first major entry into Children's books.
Book Review: |
The Farm Girl Series, while fiction in its detail, is really about a little girl who grows up surrounded by her family and friends and in the center of a loving church group. She is portrayed very accurately in her life style. The book contains some reference to Christian principles, but certainly refrains from being "preachy."
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