Title: ABE - Farm Girl Series #3
Author: B.Kjellberg
Category: Children, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $7.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 94
ISBN Number: 978-0-912868-07-3
Publication Date: 2006
Website: www.kjellpub.com
Email: w.s.c@sbcglobal.net |
About this Book: |
When Courtnee is about 17 her father gives her permission to begin seeing a young man in view of marriage. Her first "date" ends in a catastrophe. But when Abraham "Abe" Schrock becomes interested in her he does the right thing by asking her father if he could begin courting Courtnee. She was delighted, because she liked him, having seen him at several singings. Teena, Courtnee's best friend, has some problems that take some sorting out.
About the Author: |
The author lives in Wheaton, Illinois with his wife and is surrounded by his 3 grown children and 10 grandchildren. He has produced several books on history as well as many Christian writings. The Farm Girl Series is his first major entry into Children's books.
Book Review: |
Courtnee is now old enough to begin courting. She has a very interesting talk with her father about his own courting days, and she resolves that his principles are right and the ones she will go by. She learns a big lesson after her first date ends in a car accident. Then Abraham "Abe" Schrock comes along...
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