Title: APPLE ACRES - Farm Girl Series #4
Author: B. Kjellberg
Category: Children, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $7.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 90
ISBN Number: 978-0-912868-10-3
Publication Date: 2006
Website: www.kjellpub.com
Email: w.s.c@sbcglobal.net |
About this Book: |
This is the continuing story of a Plain Christian farm girl named Courtnee Anne Yoder. So fast were changes coming into Courtnee's life that she wondered whether she had the faith to handle it. Is she ready to spend the rest of her life with Abe? "Well, look who's here," exclaimed Courtnee as John and Sandy walked into the restaurant. She had planned it as a surprise for Abe, but he had a surprise for her, too!
About the Author: |
The author lives in Wheaton, Illinois with his wife and 3 grown children and 10 grandchildren. He has produced several books on history and many Christian writings. The Farm Girl Series is his first major entry into Children's books.
Book Review: |
Courtnee and Abe are seeking to court as true Christians. They have many experiences which bond them together. Teena gets her life sorted out, but Sandy is the amazing one. No one expected her to go the way she goes, but her parents have no objections. With his father's help, Abe buys "Apple Acres" and he and Courtnee are married.
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