Title: A Ray of Hope
Author: Allan and Mary
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 136
ISBN Number: 097890320X
Publication Date: Oct, 2006
Website: www.cgllcmedia.com
Email: orders@cgllcmedia.com |
About this Book: |
"A Ray of Hope" is the true story of one family's experience in coping with sexual abuse. Each section is told from the alternating perspectives of the husband and wife, and openly reveals the tragedies, heartaches and the triumphs of this couple's coming to grips with the origin of abuse in their lives, its impacts upon them as individuals, as a couple, as a family and as members of a community.
About the Author: |
"Allan and Mary" are pseudonyms for the couple who wrote this book. Their desire is for others to find both a realistic view of working through sexual abuse, and the courage to do so.
Book Review: |
A courageously honest and inspiring journey of pain and hope, sin and grace. It is a unique sharing of one couple's journey through the tragedy of sexual abuse and their finding a new intimacy and love on the other side. Their story is a source of hope for struggling couples.
Order/Contact Info: |
Bruce Saunders
(o) 301.874.3492
(f) 301.874.3493