Title: Baseball Life Begins at Forty
Author: Alan M. Laibelman
Category: Sports & Adventures, Reference, Nonfiction
Price: $19.95
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 242
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-01980-2
Publication Date: April 2009
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About this Book: |
Since 1901, the date of birth of the American League, approximately 17,000 players have appeared in a major league uniform for at least one professional game. Of that number, through 2008 only 416 players have played major league baseball into their fortieth year of life or beyond. This book is a record of the statistical accomplishments of those post-40 players. It reveals who they were, when they played, for which teams they played, how long they played, and how well each of these individuals fared as MLB's "senior citizens." Many are Hall of Fame members; some are obscure. Some played in the big leagues for over twenty years; others didn't reach the ultimate professional stage until they were already past their fortieth birthday.
Anyone with a passion for baseball, in particular its statistical elements, will want to thumb through this volume. Anyone whose profession involves reporting on baseball will want to use this volume as a handy, compact reference source.
About the Author: |
Alan M. Laibelman has degrees in Chemistry and Consciousness Studies, and has extensive experience in teaching Chemistry as well as being a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. Laibelman has co-authored several scientific articles and patents. He has also published three books pertaining to philosophy, religion, and science: The Other Perennial Philosophy: A Metaphysical Dialectic (University Press of America, 2000); Going Against the Flow: An Exercise in Ethical Syncretism (Peter Lang, 2004); Discreteness, Continuity, and Consciousness: An Epistemological Unified Field Theory (Peter Lang, 2007). Laibelman is also passionate about baseball, and this is his first book on the subject.
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