Title: Do It Yourself Credit Repair
Author: Yulonda T. Griffin
Category: Self-Improvement, Business & Economics
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 32
ISBN Number: ISBN-1645
Publication Date: 3, 2005
Email: ygriffy@cox.net |
About this Book: |
Self Help Credit Repair is a book to help individuals clean up his/her personal credit portfolio. This book provides detailed step-by-step action to help clean bad credit, start credit for new creditors. Understand credit laws by reading this book. Federal credit laws apply to all states. Sample credit letter are provided in the book to help individuals write letters to creditors to stop harrassment. Do for yourself for free what credit repair clinics charge $500 or more to do.
About the Author: |
Yulonda T. Griffin is a ordained minister with a MBA in Global Management and Business Information Systems. The author is a real estate investor, and along with her husband owns a commercial trucking transporting company. Yulonda performs credit inspirational seminars helping people accross the country. Yulonda is the Administrator for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International, married with two daughters.
Book Review: |
This is what people are saying about the book:
I can use this book to help my clients get quliafied for a house.
(by Mary Thomas, New Orleans, LA)
This book and seminar provided me more information than the credit repair clinic I attended for $250.00
(Fay Morris, New Orleans, LA)
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