Title: Creating Christian Communities - The Structure & Strategy of a Simple Cell-Based Church System
Author: Rick Diefenderfer
Category: Nonfiction, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $14.99
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 182
ISBN Number: 1-59196-171-8
Publication Date: Jan, 2007
Website: www.CreatingChristianCommunities.com
Email: creatingchristiancommunities@windstream.net |
About this Book: |
"This book was written as a road map for those with the God-given desire to create a working cell-based church." -- Terry Kemp, Australia
“A basic and practical view of the cell-based church movement from the eyes of a true practioner.” – Dr. Ralph Neighbour, USA
“It seems God is calling His body to return to a simple church system as is so clearly articulated in this book.” – Dr. Joel Comiskey, USA
“This book does many a favor by taking the concepts others have written about and uses a language and writing style the common man is easily able to grasp and understand. Thanks be to the author for helping in that area with his labors.” – Requested Anonymity, USA
About the Author: |
Rick Diefenderfer; Pastor, Teacher, Church Planter, Founder & Director of CreatingChristianCommunities.com™ and also Founder & Director of The School of Cell-Based Church Planting™
Book Review: |
Written as a road map for those with the God-given desire to create a working cell-based church, this book presents and promotes the cell-based system as a viable and simple alternative to traditional church structure and does so in a non-threatening and easily understandable fashion. The author seems deeply concerned that people rediscover relational living. To this church planter, cell groups within a simple cell-based church system answer this need in a way that conforms to a biblical definition of the church; body of Christ.
Order/Contact Info: |
c/o Rick Diefenderfer,
P.O. Box 771,
Godley, TX 76044
(817) 845-6857