Title: BONE HUNTER, Black Water Diving for Fossils and Artifacts in South Carolina's Cooper River
Author: Richard James Jacquot Jr.
Category: Nature, Science, Nonfiction
Price: $16.50
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 220
ISBN Number: 978-0-578-01354-1
Publication Date: April 2009
Website: www.wncrocks.com
Email: rick@wncrocks.com |
About this Book: |
Written by Richard Jacquot with Jerry Fortenberry. This book contains 220 pages of information and photographs to help you learn what it takes to become a black water diver. You will also learn what you need to know about hunting fossils and artifacts in the famous Cooper River in South Carolina. This book features numerous color and black and white photos as well as original artwork and cartoons by Stefan and Joey Metcalf and Steve Barr.
For accurate specimen identification, I consulted with Dr. Richard Hulbert of the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville, Florida. The entire book is printed on 80# Lustro High Gloss Enamel paper, making it a great addition and reference guide for your fossil and artifact library.
Published by: Mountain Gem Publishing in association with Indy Jones Trading Company.
About the Author: |
Richard (Rick) Jacquot lives in Asheville North Carolina. A Professional Rockhound and Amateur Paleontologist, he has been a hunter of gems, minerals, fossils and artifacts for over three decades. He has written the best selling guidebook "Rock, Gem, and Mineral Collecting Sites in Western North Carolina" as well as numerous articles on mineral collecting and fossil hunting for Rock & Gem Magazine and Rocks and Minerals Magazine.
Book Review: |
Order/Contact Info: |
To order this book:
Mountain Gem Publishing
Richard Jacquot
P.O. Box 542
Leicester, NC 28748
Phone: (828) 683-1048
Email: rick@wncrocks.com