Title: The Definitive History of Bushido Kai (Christian - Karate - Martial Art)
Author: Rev. Robert F. Heisner and Robert W. Dallmann
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Sports & Adventures, Education & Language
Price: $15.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 60
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: Sep, 2010
Website: www.warriors-of-the-sword.com/bkhistory.html
Email: robert@spreadsheetpower.com |
About this Book: |
Christianity and the martial arts? Can these go together?
This book provides a brief history of one martial art style, founded by a Christian minister and used to bring glory to Jesus Christ.
This book should be an interesting read for any martial artist but especially for Christian martial art practitioners.
Mr. Heisner, the founder of the Bushido Kai system, has trained with some of the big names in the martial arts: Park Jong Soo (Tae Kwon Do); Mas Oyama (Founder - Kyokushin Kai Karate); Shihan Otsuka (Founder - Wado Ryu Karate) and others.
After earning Black Belts of various ranks in several systems (including Bo-Jitsu and Aiki-Jitsu) and operating two successful martial art schools, Mr. Heisner gave it all up. He sold his schools and commuted to Bible School for four years.
The Lord Jesus eventually brought Mr. Heisner back into the martial arts, but this time it was for the purpose of evangelism!
About the Author: |
This book was written by Mr. Robert F. Heisner, who provided the photos as well as the details of the content, and Mr. Robert W. Dallmann, who wrote, edited and compiled the book.
Mr. Dallmann has been training in the martial arts with Mr. Heisner since January 1984 and holds a Fifth Degree Black Belt in Bushido Kai karate.
Mr. Dallmann is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and has served in full and part-time ministry since 1984. Some of the ministries that he has been involved with include:
* Homeless outreach in New York City
* Christian literature creation and distribution outreach
* Evangelistic martial arts demonstration team
* Evangelistic events
* Billy Graham Crusade Counseling Supervisor in Buffalo, NY
* Sports outreaches
* And more
Book Review: |
Order/Contact Info: |
The best way to order this book is through the "Warriors of the Sword" web site. The web address is: www.warriors-of-the-sword.com and go to the Bushido Kai History page.
You can also email your inquiry to: robert@spreadsheetpower.com
(Mr. Robert Dallmann)
Thank you for your interest in this book and may God bless you.