Title: The Upside Of Being Downsized, You can turn your nightmare into the American Dream
Author: Paul Leroy Rudy Jr
Category: Self-Improvement, Education & Language, Professional & Technical
Price: $24.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 208
ISBN Number: 978-0-9819953-0-4
Publication Date: June, 2009
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About this Book: |
“I believe this book is one of the most important books of our time. It is a must read for everyone, whether you’ve been downsized or not.”
Myron Golden
There are basic principles we must all follow to get anything. No step is difficult but each must be done. But many of us fail to take ACTION! Some take our dream to the grave. That does not need to happen to you!
Knowing where you are going is of utmost importance. This book will help you lift yourself and begin living your own dream.
Whether you have been fired, laid off, downsized, rightsized, or could not get out of your everyday rut, this book can help you regain your purpose, define your vision, identify the steps and motivate you to action.
You will see The Lift Cycle to Success. It begins with a “Big Change” and works its magic all the way through to the “New You.”
If you follow the principles in this book, you will develop habits to create a better you. You can have the freedom you desire with your integrity left intact.
About the Author: |
Paul is an Upside Evangelist. He looks to the upside in all things of life.
Coming from a family of ten, he knew at an early age that he wanted more. He worked hard and the work paid off. His first job paid 50 cents an hour growing to a six-figure income as his family grew to six children.
Paul never lost sight of what’s really important. Friday nights are reserved for his sweetheart. He supports his children in their activities. He has served as sports coach, township supervisor, Bishop, and other positions.
He believes in the power to live our dreams. He believes that when we take complete responsibility for ourselves (making no excuses), we start moving toward our dreams.
Paul now lives in central Pennsylvania with his wife Normetta. They have six children and seven grandchildren.
Book Review: |
This book guides you on how to create your ideal life. It helps you clearly define your dreams. Rudy brings real life experience to his book. It is applicable for all. From being laid off to getting out of your rut, Rudy helps people to realize their possibilities. He outlines steps to get where you really want to be.
One of the greatest truths he teaches is that you are the only one that can change your life. Putting blame on others will keep you where you are. By realizing this, you have the power. He explains positive thoughts versus negative thoughts and the power they have.
Rudy’s book is the truth that people really need to hear in today’s world. His goal is to help people break out of living comfortably miserable.
This book is informative and entertaining. He paints pictures and tells applicable stories. It truly is for anyone who wants a little more out of their life. You are capable of living your dreams and being who you have always wanted to be.
Hannah Beck
Order/Contact Info: |
Upside Enterprises
C/O Paul L Rudy Jr
P O Box 29
Shermans Dale, PA 17090
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