Title: Lissie at Lincoln Lake
Author: Pamela Lillie Newman
Category: Children, Entertainment, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $6.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN Number: 1-59196-234-X
Publication Date: Apr,2003
Email: mammypammy49319@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
After being reunited with her family, nine year old Lissie Lillie settles into her new life in Michigan in the Lincoln Lake area. Encounters with local Indians and an old enemy help her learn lessons in tolerance and forgiveness.
About the Author: |
Pamela Lillie Newman and her husband, Royce, live in Oakfield Twonship, Michigan on a small portion of the land that once belonged to Lissie's family. She attended Lincoln Lake School and Greenville (Green's Village) High School, prior to leaving the township for college and marriage. They returned to the township in 1996 after a 35 year absence. Here she wrote the first two books in Lissie's series : Lissie's Long Way Home and Lissie at Lincoln Lake.
Book Review: |
Set in the mid 1850's, this book gives the reader a taste of the pioneer life of 9 year old Lissie Lillie. Children from 6 to 106 will easily identify with Lissie's fears, hopes, and lessons learned. This inspirational book is the second in Lissie's Series.
Order/Contact Info: |
Pamela Lillie Newman
12501 MacClain Road
Cedar Springs, MI 49319
616 225-2202