Title: The Creole Cats Come to Louisana
Author: Nina J. Haydel
Category: Children, Education & Language, History
Price: $20.00
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 66
ISBN Number: 1-59872-582-3
Publication Date: Oct, 2006
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About this Book: |
This is an historical fantasy about early Europeans who came to the New World in the late 17th and early 18th centuries and began the Creole society in Louisiana, especially New Orleans. Their experiences are told through adventures of a cat family. Plantation life, New Orleans' French Quarter society, and Mardi Gras are featured through Creole cats' experiences. Teacher and parent resources are included: maps, glossary, coloring pages, recipes, facts, educational standards.
About the Author: |
Dr. Nina Haydel, professor of graduate education, English rhetoric and composition, and author of numerous educational articles, has aligned the book to National Education Standards. She served with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. She has lived and taught in Latin America and the Middle East, where she was Unted States Academic Specialist to Jordan.
Book Review: |
Children of all ages respond to the Creole Cats Come to Louisiana, although it is written primarily for 4-6 grade reading level. Because its foundation is factual, based on a real Creole family, it provides not only historical relevance, but also has multicultural pertinence. Written in a warm, metaphorical tone, the book serves to educate children about Creoles of Louisiana.
Order/Contact Info: |
Dr. Nina Haydel
PO Box 1024
Washington Crossing, PA 18977
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