Title: Exploring the Therapeutic Relationship: Practical Insights for Today's Clinician
Author: Michael Wagner
Category: Diet & Health, Education & Language, Medical
Price: $9.95
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 111
ISBN Number: 1-4276-0962-4
Publication Date: October, 2006
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About this Book: |
To present the reader with an alternative perspective from which to practice and, as a result, enable them to enhance the therapeutic relationships formed with each of their patients.
To incite, among healthcare professionals from all disciplines, a renewed awareness of, and emphasis on, the humanistic/interpersonal elements of patient care.
To promote, within the reader, continued self-assessment of their practices, including, but not limited to, a thorough evaluation of their ability to utilize humanistic/interpersonal skills as a way to produce improved patient outcomes.
All professionals who subscribe to and practice the concepts and principles described and discussed in this book will realize for themselves the amazing power of mutually beneficial relationships. This realization will elevate the level of care that they provide and help to maximize the functional results achieved by their patients.
Widespread distribution of this text and the ideas it contains to students and graduates of accredited health education programs as well as to pre-existing, reputable and acknowledged healthcare providers throughout the U.S.
About the Author: |
Michael Wagner is a practicing physical therapist at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, NY. Prior to working in this setting, he practiced in a privately owned outpatient clinic, the pediatric department of Yale-New Haven Hospital, as well as at the Alaskan Native Medical Center in Anchorage. In addition to giving him exposure to a broad range of diagnosis, these varied experiences have brought with them an opportunity to work with a broad range of personalities. It is the latter which lead to the creation of this book. The overall standard of care, as well as the resulting outcome, are influenced by the quality of the relationship formed between a medical professional and their patient. This effect is analogous to how customer service affects the overall success of any business.
Book Review: |
“Exploring the Therapeutic Relationship” is a priceless tool for all healthcare professionals. It offers the reader a unique perspective from which to practice and provides practical insight into the patient-clinician relationship.
The underlying concepts, as well as the specific interpersonal skills discussed within this book, represent a much needed renewed emphasis on the humanistic elements of patient care.
This book exposes the inherent power of mutually beneficial relationships. It will allow the reader to form deeper, more therapeutic relationships with their patients and, as a result, experience continued personal and professional growth.
“These pages eloquently bring to the forefront some of the most essential and yet often overlooked elements of patient-clinician relationships. A must read for all healthcare professionals.”
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