About this Book: |
Do you know the ABC’s?
Is the relationship all over and you still can’t fi gure out what
happen? Is your girlfriend in an awful relationship and being Victimized
by her man?
Perhaps your teenage daughter is just getting interested in boys
and although you have talked to her she still has that innocent look that
is drawing all the Bold boys to her. Narcissist’s love to make you feel
they are the sun in the morning and the moon at night, when just the
opposite is true.
It could be your F amily man is feeling a little taken advantage
of, how to rekindle that fi rst blush of love and keep the fl ames high. If
any of these situations fi t, this book is for you.
Women of all persuasion will fi nd this insightful book a tool to
use for understanding not just the differences in personality but how to
celebrate the difference.
Once you fi nished this book you will easily recognize the
different types of men.
• Family man
• Givers
• Hustlers
Men from A to Z will no longer fl uster you, and you can celebrate
the differences between you.
About the Author: |
We all have dreams and Judy Seaberry is fulfilling her dream of writing. Retired in 2003 after 33 years in corporate America she is doing just what she wants to do, writing.
The divorce mother of 2 adult sons she has learned many of life’s lessons the hard way. Always a wit, Judy used humor to diffuse her circumstances and the circumstances of those around her. The lessons she learned are scripted through many parts of her books.
Men A to Z started off as a way to vent but as Judy wrote the book a change of direction took place, and women can view just how beautiful our counterparts are. Celebrate your man, find that part of him that drives you nuts and throw a party. He will be thrilled and you might just find out how wonderful he really is.
Daughters, sisters, girlfriends, moms and guys will find the A to Z view humorous and insightful, pass it on.