Title: Good People Aren't Looking for Work... They're Listening for it!
Author: John F. Mitton
Category: Business & Economics
Price: $15.00
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 150
ISBN Number: 1178
Publication Date: July, 2004
Website: www.mittonmedia.com
Email: info@mittonmedia.com |
About this Book: |
A quick read of valuable, proven radio recruitment sales tips that increase sales.
About the Author: |
John F. Mitton is the recognized expert for selling broadcast recruitment advertising in the U.S. and Canada. In addition, he is a leader and nationally recognized speaker in Human Resource circles. A 20-year veteran of broadcast sales, John is the President and founder of Mitton Media, a multi-million dollar Houston-based firm specializing in recruitment advertising on radio, TV, cable and other alternative recruitment media. He is also in demand as a consultant to the Radio industry and conducts recruitment sales training workshops for select clients.
Book Review: |
"When it comes to creating recruitment advertising, John Mitton gets it. His high-profile clients look to him to help staff up during their peak seaons. He's a practitioner first and he speaks (and writes) from first hand, day-to-day experience. He can show you how to sell recruitment advertising. More importantly, he can show you how to create recruitment advertising that actually works for your clients. If you're not travelling with a portable copy machine, buy this book now. -- Chris Lytle, author of The Accidental Salesperson.
Order/Contact Info: |
info@mittonmedia.com or call 281-242-9040