Title: Vision with a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams
Author: Joanne Victoria
Category: Business & Economics, Self-Improvement, Nonfiction
Price: $16.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 120
ISBN Number: 0963834363
Publication Date: May 17 , 2005
Website: http://www.JoanneVictoria.com
Email: jvctoria@sonic.net |
About this Book: |
Are you dissatisfied with your business@ Are you working more and enjoying it less? Do you find less and less time for yourself? In four different chapters you will:
• Answer questions about why you want your very own business
• Clarify what prevents you from living your vision.
• Discover how to create the vision of your dreas
• Learn tips, tools and strategies to keep your vision alive
About the Author: |
Joanne Victoria, owner of New Directions in Sausalito, CA,and 25-year Vision Coach, works with small business owners, business leaders and entrepreneurs who want to have more focus, more clarity, more money and more fun. Check her website, www.JoanneVictoria.com and order her book at: 888-503-2665.
Book Review: |
If you are dissatified with $ results and fear change, stop grasping at straws and get 'Vision with a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams' now! Think Lance Armstrong, Trump or Martha. Their future visions helped them expand their business beyond a marketing plan or promotion. Keep ideal clients, maek decisions easily and expand like the rich and famous. Answer Joanne's interview questions to tell the truth. I loved this book. It's THE one we should read to be the best business we can be." Judy Cullins, Author, Power Writing for Websites that Sell
Order/Contact Info: |
Call: 888-503-2665 for all orders. Or email: Joanne@joannevictoria.com