Title: Cancer and the Healing Power of Play
Author: Izzy Gesell, M.Ed. CSP and Roz Trieber, MS, CHES
Category: Diet & Health, Self-Improvement, Entertainment
Price: $15.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 64
ISBN Number: ISBN: 978-0-9627329-3-5
Publication Date: December, 2008
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About this Book: |
Do You Love What You Do and What You've Become?
Finally! A simple step-by-step approach that shows you exactly how to live a joyous , fun, and creative life even while living with cancer and other stressors. It is a prescription for living with presence, acceptance, and trust.
The games in this book are designed to help you
connect to your mind, body, and intuition, as well as to help
you be totally aware of and love the present moment. They are tools that help you cope with adversity in a way that will assist you in
releasing tension, lightening up, letting yourself go, being
spontaneous without fear, and feeling free to laugh, be silly,
make mistakes and not care, and have fun.
You will learn the difference between healing and curing, why Improv and humor skills help you heal, lighten up, and make each day joyous. You will realize you are not your illness and will discover how to get out of a "bad day trap!" You will LAUGH a lot and discover how good laughter is for your soul!
About the Author: |
Izzy is an Organizational Alchemist and Head Honcho at IzzyG &
Company. He helps people creatively transform their
thinking in order to effectively transform their lives. He
was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2001.
Roz Trieber is president of HumorFusionSM. Through a
combination of theater arts and traditional educational
strategies, she teaches people how to connect mind,
body and spirit and discover their inner strength of
resiliency to live life joyfully and healthfully with love and
laughter. Roz is a breast and pancreatic cancer survivor.
Book Review: |
Cancer patients, both ambulatory and non-ambulatory, care givers, friends, and family who want and/or need an opportunity to release tension,
lighten-up, let themselves go, be spontaneous without
fear, be open minded, and feel free to laugh and not care
while playing and having fun will benefit from reading and playing the games in this book. Cancer and the Healing Power of Play is perfect for anyone who wants to know how to include humor and play as part of theier healing journey through cancer or any other chronic illness.
No training is required. The authors have provided success tips and a step by step guide to assist the reader in playing these fun games. There are verbal -wordy games, physical and sound games, and whacky - non sensical fun games.
Resources and references are provided to further educate the reader on the benefits of humor and play as a healing lifestyle.
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