Title: Poison Ivy, Pets & People
Author: Heidi Ratner Connolly and Randy Connolly
Category: Reference, Home & Garden, Diet & Health
Price: $9.99
Language: English
Size: 4.25 x 7
Number of Pages: 104
ISBN Number: 0-9722400-1-2
Publication Date: Feb, 2003
Website: www.10thingstoknow.biz
Email: heidi@10thingstoknow.biz |
About this Book: |
Being deathy allergic to poison ivy, oak and sumac, my husband and I could never find the information we needed to simplify our lives. So we decided to write one ourselves. This book contains everything you could possibly need to know to prevent, treat and identify poison ivy. It offers homeopathic remedies, information on how to treat your pet, eradication measures, and more. It will keep you poison ivy/oak/sumac-free forever. Full color pictures will help too!
About the Author: |
Heidi and Randy Connolly author and publish the 10ThingsToKnow series of books which include topics such as poison ivy, stinging insects, writing for business, and attracting the mate of your dreams. From the metaphysical to the mundane, these books help people live healthier, happier lives. Heidi Connolly has also worked as a freelance editor and corporate trainer for many years.
Book Review: |
"This little gem has all the information, resources and photos you need to stay poison ivy free - forever! It's written in a concise and appropriately humorous fashion and makes for easy reading. It was enjoyable and informative - the perfect match." (Dot Cole, Scituate, MA)
Order/Contact Info: |
email: order @10thingstoknow.biz
on-line: www.10thingstoknow.biz
phone: 781.545.0983