Title: Millennium Christian Experience
Author: H. Michelle Cooper
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction, Poetry
Price: $20.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 179
ISBN Number: 978-1-59872-918-4
Publication Date: July 2008
Email: hmcoope1@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
The millennium Christian experience of today is not for families,
Friends, not the people we meet from day to day as we greet
And offer a spiritual invitation to give God all the glory, all
The honour and praise. The millennium Christian experience is
Not for the people that we pray to come running and shouting,
Exactly what is it that I must do to be saved?
The millennium Christian experience of today can be
Found in some churches. Today we find more and more pastors
And church leaders on billboards, competing on Wall Street and
Standing in government grant lines instead of in the need of prayer;
These are leaders that does little to nothing to empower anyone
But themselves very openly. Since this is One Nation Under God
There will never be separation from church and state neither in
Nor outside of this book.
About the Author: |
I’m just a child of the King, introducing and
Offering a reminder to some who has gotten
Caught up in a structured order of service who
Our Father is, what God our Father has done
For me and my family during trials, tribulations
And temptations He can and will also do the
Same for you.
Book Review: |
Special thanks to God
For reviewing this book
Before, during and after
I completed it
In His Holy name.
Also for giving me strength
When through many trails,
Tribulations and temptations
My heart, body and mind
Became weak.
To God be the glory for
All the great things that
He has done.
I can do all things through Christ
Which strengthens me. Phil. 4:13
I also thank my family, friends and
Strangers who reviewed this book and
Gave honorary words of encouragement
That they received from the first print of
Millennium Christian Experience.
Order/Contact Info: |
To Order Please Contact
H. Michelle Cooper 713-517-9330
Email hmcoope1@yahoo.com
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