Title: Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure
Author: Genita Petralli & Dr. Katherine Nelson, N.D.
Category: Diet & Health, Medical, Reference
Price: $34.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 410
ISBN Number: 1-59196-510-1
Publication Date: Auust, 2004
Website: http://the101program.com
Email: info@the101program.com |
About this Book: |
Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure exposes the latest research, methods, and resources used in developing the most advanced orthomolecular alcoholism treatment, The 101 Program - the proven orthomolecular method of curing alcoholism and addictive biochemistry - making it the most comprehensive holistic manifesto publicly available for addressing addictive biochemistry! This is by far not only the most comprehensive book providing the techniques used to heal addictive biochemistry and the research and science which validates the supremacy of orthomolecular alcoholism treatment over all others, but is the most advanced holistic treatment you can find in a book, retreat, or rehab.
About the Author: |
Genita Petralli is a nutritionist who specializes in addictive biochemistry. She is founder and president of Alternative Approaches to end Alcohol Abuse. AAAA facilitates The 101 Program - the proven orthomolecular method of curing alcoholism and addictive biochemistry of which Ms. Petralli is author and Program Director. AAAA is dedicated to the research in the biochemical markers that define "addictive biochemistry", the damage that alcohol toxicity inflicts on the body, and the orthomolecular protocols that influence body, mind and spirit to answer the foundation's ground-breaking findings with a cure.
Book Review: |
Contact: Genita Petralli
(818) 919-1731
Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure
The Proven Holistic Method
Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure demonstrates the biochemical differences of those with "addictive biochemistry". By following the proven Orthomolecular Holistic Treatment for Alcoholism 'The 101 Program'® included in the book, readers will learn how to once and for all cure alcoholism by healing the physical and mental biopathways damaged by alcohol abuse as well as the root metabolic disorder that predisposes them to it. At once educational and enlightening, Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure brings you the biggest gift of all - the tools and the practices to pave your way to a healthy biochemistry.
The 5½ x 8 soft cover edition (ISBN 1-59196-510-1) is available from Alternative Approaches to end Alcohol Abuse (AAAA) P.O. Box 11416, Burbank, CA 91505 or Amazon.com for 34.9
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info@the101program.com for more information