Title: Antebellum Slavery: An Orthodox Christian View
Author: Gary Lee Roper
Category: History, Religion & Spiritual, Education & Language
Price: $22.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 361
ISBN Number: 978-1-60458-217-8
Publication Date: Feb, 2008
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About this Book: |
The author follows the antiquity of slavery, and describes what the greatest theologians have written about this institution. He uses the accounts of 18th century geographer, Conrad Malte-Brun, to show that at the height of the slave trade, 60 million Africans were slaves on that continent. Sharing with the reader the depravity of the African kings, such as Gezo, Roper theorizes that for those surviving the Atlantic crossing, life actually improved if they landed in the American South as opposed to South America or the Caribbean. He questions why the South receives the lion's share of criticism for antebellum slavery when probably the most benign form of slavery in history existed there. He castigates those who apologize for antebellum slavery, while anyone anyone can go to Haiti and obtain a child slave today. He reports that slavery in its harshest form exists in at least 16 countries today, including the United States of America!
About the Author: |
Dr. Roper is an ordained Baptist minister. He has taught systematic theology and consumer economics, and served as the Administrator of a Christian Academy. He has been a guest lecturer at several colleges and universities, both in the US and abroad. He has preached on every continent in the world and has worked with missionaries in France, Spain, and third world countries. He is a lifetime member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and a prospective member of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Book Review: |
Dr. Roper, who has labored with missionaries in Africa, writes with a sociological insight few university trained professionals in that field possess. His book is not only the work of practical experience, but also of assiduous historical research. The book makes it plain that white Southerners need not apologize for the charged crime of the benign slavery dominant in the American South. Black Southerners need not feel dishonored that their ancestors were bondsmen if they realize that the destiny of all men and nations is in the hands of a sovereign God; he can do with any of us according to His Sovereign pleasure. Moreover, "...all things work together for good to them that love God, who are that called according to His purpose." Romans 8: 28 Dr. Roper places greater significance upon the holiness of God than upon the dignity of man, again, without apology.
Order/Contact Info: |
Gary Lee Roper
5937 Belle Pointe Dr
Southaven, MS 38672
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