Title: The Complete Home Journal
Author: G. Billingham
Category: Reference, Business & Economics, Professional & Technical
Price: $19.95
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 100
ISBN Number: 1-59872-205-0
Publication Date: November, 2005
Email: gbillingham@earthlink.net |
About this Book: |
The Complete Home Journal is a fundamental necessity for every individual and household. Broken down into 18 categories with enough space for personal notes and directives, The Complete Home Journal is the most comprehensive and centralized device to record emergency and pertinent home information available. Make it a vital part of your estate planning, updating it as life changes. What if you were not here tomorrow? Would your family know how to pick up in your absence? Who should be called? What are your final wishes? What's due? What accounts do you have and where are they all located? There will be no lost accounts, no lost stock certificates. No bills or mortgage payments being forgotton in a time of emotional turmoil. Especially in light of recent disasters that have touched our shores and abroad, The Complete Home Journal should be an essential part of your record keeping. The critical details of running your household and life need to be documented so it's all together in one convenient place when needed.
About the Author: |
The author, formerly a Vice President and Trust Officer of an estate planning and investment management firm, is a graduate of Northeastern University and Williams College. Her career included trust marketing, conducting living trust workshops, investment seminars and designing and creating investment performance portfolios. She lives in New England with her husband and daughter, where she is at work on a new book.
Book Review: |
Just as every individual should have a will, every household should have a copy of The Complete Home Journal.
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E - Mail: gbillingham@earthlink.net
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Wilton, NH 03086