Title: Legally Armed - The Handgun Owners Lawbook - 2004 Edition
Author: Elbert T. Landreth, Jr.
Category: Reference, Sports & Adventures, Travel
Price: $29.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 268
ISBN Number: 0-9728211-3-9
Publication Date: March 2004
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About this Book: |
Those four words could really be terrifying to hear, and if you are not familiar with gun laws, they could be a reality.
In today's society, an innocent family traveling interstate, and having a concealed HANDGUN tucked away in the glove box for their personal protection, faces a GREATER RISK of being arrested and charged with one or more firearms violations, than being confronted by a criminal, which would have required the use of that weapon.
LEGALLY ARMED "The Handgun Owner's LAWBOOK" is the answer to that dilemma. This book is an up-to-date comprehensive guide providing the reader with a brief synopsis of the FIREARM LAWS of all 50 States, the U.S. Federal Firearm Laws and the firearm codes for Territories of the U.S. You will know WHEN and WHERE you can lawfully transport your firearm in a vehicle, carry concealed or open. You will know when you should leave it at home! Even if you possess a CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT, you may still be subject to arrest. With "The Legally Armed Citizen", you'll know for sure.
About the Author: |
Elbert T. "Ted" Landreth, Jr., a native of South Carolina is very familiar with firearms and firearms laws.
He has been a commissioned law enforcement officer for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for almost 15 years.
He is a Certified Personal Protection Specialist and Handgun Instructor with the National Rifle Association and a Certified Firearms and Concealed Weapons Instructor with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.
Book Review: |
LEGALLY ARMED "The Handgun Owner's LAWBOOK" 2004 Edition will answer your questions as to when and where you can lawfully carry your handgun, with or without a concealed weapons permit.
This book is an up-to-date comprehensive guide providing the reader with a brief synopsis of the FIREARM LAWS of all 50 States, the U.S. Federal Firearm Laws and the firearm codes for Territories of the U.S.
You will know WHEN and WHERE you can lawfully transport your firearm in a vehicle, carry concealed or open. You will know when you should leave it at home! Even if you possess a CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT, you may still be subject to arrest. With "The Legally Armed Citizen", you'll know for sure.
Order/Contact Info: |
The Shooter's Zone, Inc.
Att: Carrie Fowler
P. O. Box 14942
Greenville, SC 29610
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