Title: What You Must Know About Prescription Drugs
Author: David Nganele, PhD, MBA
Category: Reference, Nonfiction
Price: $24.95
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 395
ISBN Number: 0-9723290-0-5
Publication Date: Nov, 2004
Website: www.thebesthealthcareforeless.com
Email: drdn@thebesthealthcareforless.com |
About this Book: |
Drug interactions and side effects kill more people each year than diabetes or car accidents. Also, half of all costs for prescription drugs come from our pockets, whether we have insurance or not. Dr. David Nganele, one of the nations foremost authorities on prescription drugs has provided true life-saving information that can help you or a loved one avoid unnecessary injury or even death from prescription drugs. He also shows you how you can obtain prescription drugs at low or no cost regardless of your insurance status or income level.
About the Author: |
Dr. David Nganele is a New York Times-profiled expert in health education. He believes that empowering individuals with information allows them to become their own best doctor. He has developed a model for community health education by bringing together physician groups and community organizations to create award-winning programs. His work has received numerous media coverage and his ideas are sought after by public officials, as well as, healthcare organizations. Prior to developing his medical education establishment, he managed some of the largest-selling drugs at the biggest pharmaceutical company in the world.
Book Review: |
The statistics about medication errors and accidental deaths caused by medications will astound you. The costs of medications can bankrupt you. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. Dr. Nganele has given back the compassion and care that have been lacking by educating the consumer so they will be able to advocate for themselves, as well as, their loved ones by making better informed and knowledgeable decisions. Personally, I’d like to thank Dr. David Nganele for his contribution on behalf of empowering caregivers and the consumer.
Gail R. Mitchell
National Organization For Empowering Caregivers
Order/Contact Info: |
Dr. David Nganele
527 3rd Avenue, #192
New York, NY 10016
Tel. 914-310-6138