Title: Snowflake Evolution
Author: Dave Fashenpour
Category: Literature & Fiction, Science, Entertainment
Price: $15.99
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 68
ISBN Number: 1-59196-872-0
Publication Date: Jan, 2005
Website: http://www.snowflakeevolution.com
Email: dfashenpour@gmail.com |
About this Book: |
The global war on terrorism keeps our attention. Changes made to our society as a result of that war provide the backdrop to this thought-provoking sci-fi novel.
Could your ‘information’ ever be used as a weapon? What about DNA identification and retinal scans? How about the Office of Homeland Security and
the new National Intelligence Director? How about the Patriot Act? Where is it all going?
What about being able to manipulate viruses to target specific DNA patterns? How about cloning, genetic engineering, and organ regeneration with stem cells?
Snowflake Evolution gives us a glimpse of what the future may hold for some of those issues; but it is also a story about a ‘Journey to Aldebaran’, one of the brightest stars in the sky. It is the red eye of the Bull in the Constellation Taurus and our closest neighbor. This is also a story of two friends and how their courage
saved the planet.
It is about the natural selection of the species that has been the rule from the beginning. It is about how a race can modify that selection and dominate others.
It’s about space, time, & traveling to another world. Warning: there is a twist.
About the Author: |
Dave Fashenpour is a retired Air Force officer with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. He is a Senior Embedded Software Engineer working for the Boeing Company on a NASA contract in Houston, Texas. Dave has been working on the International Space Station project for over fifteen years.
Dave’s hobbies include experimenting with closed ecosystems, e.g. using Chlorella Algae and Daphnia Magna organisms. The goal is to create an ecosystems that sustain life for over ninety days without any outside dependencies, except for that of sunlight.
Book Review: |
Snowflake Evolution is a phenomenon that takes place in the future, in a world unlike our own. How would you like to live in a society where people all look alike and DNA alone determines identity? This society utilizes an artificial intellect to judge what is true and false. Where you are assigned a social class prior to your birth and your career potential is predetermined. Lastly, how would you like to be confronted with an event that threatens the existence of your world? Join me on a ‘journey to Aldebaran’.
Order/Contact Info: |
Dave Fashenpour