Title: Mom Has Left and Gone to Vegas
Author: D. Dasilva
Category: Children, Nonfiction, Entertainment
Price: $19.95
Language: English
Size: 8.5 x 11
Number of Pages: 32
ISBN Number: 978-159858-603-9
Publication Date: July, 2008
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About this Book: |
Olivia and Sophia, look like they are the most adorable Fraternal Twins
on Earth. Passers by comment on how sweet they are and how lucky the
Smith family is to have them, but Shaina, their older sister, finds out
just how cute they can be on Mom’s day off!
So Mom has gone to Vegas for the day, at least in Shaina’s head, and the
house is hers! Confident that everything will go as planned, Shaina’s day
starts off quiet enough. With nothing but household chores and her two
baby sisters to think of, what could possibly go wrong?
Shaina hadn’t planned on the Double Trouble attack! The Fraternal Twins
cause all sorts of chaos in this enjoyable tale of mischief, chaos and
laughs. With Shaina running around the house like a mad person, who
knows what the twins have in store for her next!!
About the Author: |
D. DASILVA was born and raised in the Bronx, New York but currently resides in Kennesaw, Georgia with
her fiancée and her four children:Shaina 12, Shane 8, Olivia and Sophia 18 months.They have inspired her to
write a series of children’s books entitled “Fraternal Madness”, with the Fraternal Twins Olivia and Sophia taking
a starring role! The scrapes that these two little darlings get into will have children rolling in their seats with
laughter and parents smiling in recognition!
Ms Dasilva didn’t plan on becoming a writer, instead obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science. Inspired
by her father and brother’s murder some years ago, she aimed to help law enforcement root out the criminals
that plague our streets. However, after having her children, Ms Dasilva decided her skills could be put to better use
elsewhere – educating and providing a role model for our children.
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Order/Contact Info: |
DasilvaFoxx Publishing
PO Box 832
Kennesaw, GA 30156
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