Title: I believe...that you believe.
Author: Cyndee Bessant
Category: Biographies & Memoirs, Self-Improvement, Diet & Health
Price: $14.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 140
ISBN Number: 1-59196-888-7
Publication Date: Jan,2005
Website: www.cynfulcreations.com
Email: cyn@cynfulcreations.com |
About this Book: |
A disturbing but inspiring story written with pure honesty. Join Cyndee as she relives her most painful memories down the path of abuse, molestation, and domestic violence. Share fear, anger, loss of hope, in a struggle that proves everyone has the chance to come out ahead and can strive towards a healthy future.
Cyndee’s moving story is shared so that others may draw strength into their own lives and to let others in same situations know there is hope for the future. This story speaks to a part of every person who reads it.
About the Author: |
Cyndee currently resides in Los Angeles, California. A true artist by heart she enjoys traveling the globe, helping others and treasures time with her friends and family. She also loves her Llasa Apso named Babee. Cyndee is the owner and director of Cynful Creations. Please visit www.cynfulcreations.com to learn more about Cyndee and the work of her passions.
Book Review: |
This book is an inspiration to those who have been a victim of abuse and who may find the comfort of knowing they are not alone. According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, an estimated 1,000,000 children were confirmed to be victims of actual abuse or neglect in 2001. There are many misconceptions of child abuse. One misconception concerning child maltreatment is that children are more likely to be abused by non-parental figures than by parents. The reality is that more than eighty percent of victims of child maltreatment occurs at the hands of a parent.
While reading this book, you will struck by the candidness and honesty of how the author described her life in detail. It takes courage to revisit past traumas and turn them into a story for others to follow. By telling her story, the author displays how she persevered through pain and neglect and turned her future into something positive. I believe that this openness will only help in reaching out to children and adults who may have gone through similar experiences. Hopefully those who read this book will find the courage to speak out about their experiences and not be afraid to ask for help.
Order/Contact Info: |
Cyndee Bessant
PO Box 402
Monrovia CA 91016
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